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  • Is membership required to shop?

    • Membership is required to shop. Information on the protection of your personal datafrom hereyou can reach.

  • Why is mail verification required when registering?

    • Mail verification is your real person and it is necessary to prevent you from opening more than one membership on our page.

  • Why is my order delayed?

    • Orders placed on our site until 17.00 are delivered to the cargo on the same day, and orders placed after 17.00 are delivered to the cargo on the next day. Afterwards, the delivery process is related to the policy followed by the cargo companies.

  • Do I have the right to cancel or return?

    • You can return your unused products unconditionally within 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery date. 

  • Is it possible to pay at the door?

    • No. We do not have a payment service at the door. You can make your payments online from our website using the "iyzico"​ infrastructure.

  • How can I track an order?

    • You can track your order from the relevant cargo company with your order tracking number given to you. 

  • Why can't I combine my discount codes?

    • You can use only one of the discount codes given to you. Remember to use whatever code is useful to you.

  • Can I use my expired discount codes?

    • No. Expired discount codes cannot be reused.

  • Who is idrisreis?

    • idrisreis is a Grand Lion Inc. is the brand. All necessary can access it at.

  • I want to close my membership completely, what should I do?

    • You are kindly requested to contact us to close the membership completely.

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